How to improve your climbing technique

Like in every other sport, you will hit a wall and feel you are not improving anymore. You will need to find alternative methods to climb over that wall. Improving your climbing technique not only helps in climbing more effectively but also enhances your overall experiences and helps prevent injuries. Therefore, in order to climb better you will need to improve your climbing technique.

1.      Practice Deliberately: Each time you climb, focus on a specific aspect of your technique to improve. For instance, spend a session working only on your footwork, placing each foot precisely and silently with absolute control. This minimises the chances of your foot slipping off the hold.

2.      Watch and Learn: Observing more experienced climbers can be incredibly educational. Notice how they approach a route, where they place their feet, how they shift their weight and how they rest. Try to mimic their techniques. Sometimes they might execute a move you did not think of which could be your answer to sending this route.

3.      Take Classes or Hire a Coach: Many climbing gyms offer technique classes or personal coaching. A coach can provide personalised feedback and point out specific areas where you can improve.

4.      Climb different types of routes: Don’t just climb the routes you like and are strong at. It is important to challenge yourself with different types of climbs such as overhands, slabs or technical faces. Each type of climbing can help you develop different aspects of your technique.

5.      Record and Review: If possible, record your climbs. Watching yourself can reveal habits you may not be aware of and areas where you could improve. Even if you can send a route, there might be parts of the route you could improve and have more control.


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What is climbing technique?